Pediatric Sedation Can Create a Relaxing Treatment for Both Parent and Child
Children often have dental anxiety and phobia. Pediatric sedation can eliminate the seemingly daunting ordeal of taking your child to the dentist, while also bringing you both a sense of peace before the doctor administers treatment. The safe, gentle pediatric sedation available at Children's Dental of Waltham in Waltham, MA, can make any treatment your child may need easy, effective, and comfortable. Our practice believes in taking a gentle approach for little folks, and making sure they can have a relaxing, enjoyable treatment experience.
Types of Sedation Available
Pediatric sedation dentistry includes the use of medication to calm your child before a procedure. Although sedation is beneficial for young patients with dental anxiety or phobia, it can also be helpful for children with a strong gag reflex or for those who have a medical condition preventing them from sitting still. For some patients, it may be recommended for everything from filling placement to dental extractions. Our team can administer safe, gentle nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, in our office for gentle relaxing effects. If your child suffers from more severe dental phobia or requires extensive restorative work, we can coordinate with and off-site facility to provide general anesthesia.
Preparing Your Child for Sedation
Before your office visit, you will be given clear at-home guidelines to follow, especially if your child will be receiving general anesthesia. These instructions may include how to prepare your child for the office visit, any food and beverage restrictions, proper clothing to wear, and any medications to avoid. We also encourage parents to bring an item from home that can help maintain their child’s comfort, such as a stuffed animal or favorite blanket. Following these instructions and any other information relevant to your personalized treatment plan will ensure optimal results.
What to Expect During the Procedure
With nitrous oxide, the dentist will place a mask over your child’s nose to administer this type of sedation. Within five minutes, your child will achieve a calm and relaxed state. Because it is administered continuously, we are able to maintain this sedated state throughout the entire procedure. Once the procedure is completed, pure oxygen will be given to make your child more alert. Compared to other types of sedation, with nitrous oxide there is minimal grogginess afterwards.
For general anesthesia, our pediatric dentist, Dr. Carmen Brambila, will perform treatment at Franciscan Children's Hospital in Brighton, Massachusetts where a certified anesthesiologist will be present. Throughout the procedure, our team will follow a strict protocol to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing. This focus will include monitoring vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, temperature, and heart rate.
Pediatric sedation allows young patients to successfully receive the dental care they need. Our doctors and staff will always treat our young patients with compassion and tenderness, ensuring they are comfortable during treatment.
Once the procedure is completed, we will have you wait with your child while they wake from the effects of sedation. Seeing a familiar face will help with the transition. Each child responds to sedation differently, but in most cases when they wake up they will feel groggy. Other side effects may include fussiness, dizziness, crying, nausea, or vomiting. For the first few hours after being released, it is important to let your child rest as much as possible while carefully monitoring their intake of foods and beverages.
Receiving Comfortable Treatment
Pediatric sedation allows young patients to successfully receive the dental care they need. Our doctors and staff will always treat our young patients with compassion and tenderness, ensuring they are comfortable during treatment. Contact our team online or call (781) 899-7070 to learn about the sedation options available for your child.